Access badminton-specific expertise

Individual access to expertise to level up your game

Check our subscriptions

Access to expertise

Get an answer to any of your concerns, issues or challenges within 24 hours. We will direct your request to an expert within the field. 

Available now
Badminton technique

Singles, Doubles & Mixed

Ask any question related to your technique challenges, improvement in technique

Available now
Badminton tactics

Singles, Doubles & Mixed

Ask any question related to tactics, how to win points and tackle specific situations

Available now
Badminton specific S&C

Singles, Doubles & Mixed

Ask any question related to issues like strengthening and injury prevention

Coming soon
General S&C training

Singles, Doubles & Mixed

Coming soon

Coming soon
Mobility and Stability 

General health

Coming soon

Coming soon
Injury prevention

General health

Coming soon

Coming soon
Planning and Periodization

Singles, Doubles and Mix

Coming soon

Coming soon

General health

Coming soon


Is access to expertise included in the Badmintoo subscription?

Yes, this option is included in our Premium subscription.

How will I interact with the experts?

Once you buy the Premium subscription, you will get access to the Expertise chat option on your app dashboard. Using that, you can submit your questions.